In an unapologetic ripoff of Las Culturistas‘ Rules of Culture, I have decided to make an ongoing list of rules that apply to pornography. The logic of adult cinema is often absurd! I’d like to create a safe space for celebrating the ridiculousness of the plots and tropes that we’ve all come to love (and sometimes despise).
Starting off, we have rule number 89 of porn:
“Anal is an acceptable form of payment.”
To understand this rule, imagine a situation where you’ve forgotten your wallet or you’re short on cash. Let’s say, hypothetically, a cab ride to the train station! In this scenario, you tell your driver that you can’t afford to pay him, and you discover rule number 89 of porn. Forget Venmo. Your virgin asshole is the only payment he needs.
This rule is demonstrated by Linus Gray and Ryan Bones in a recent scene for Reality Dudes, a site that’s 100% real and definitely not staged at all!
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