In the CockyBoys mini-series “Lucky In Love”, Tayte Hanson plays an unlucky character named “Lucky”. The first chapter finds Lucky mixing up dick appointments, unexpectedly getting dominated by power top Austin Wolf. Continuing this streak of misfortune, Angel Rivera double-books on Lucky in the second chapter. The two suitors flip a coin, and well, you can probably guess how that turns out.
The third and final chapter has a lot of things I love—Brock Banks in drag, tighty whities, and a downright incredible performance by Tayte Hanson on top. There’s a balance of sensuality, passion, and full-on ass pounding. While that’s nothing new for Tayte, the sweet (and silly) narrative adds an extra layer of hotness to the action. Watch the clips, and you’ll see what I mean.
Scroll down to see Tayte Hanson and Brock Banks in action…
Watch the full scene now at CockyBoys!
Tayte Hanson can be found on Twitter. Their pronouns are they/them, and they releases their own content on OnlyFans.
Brock Banks can be found on Twitter and Instagram. He releases his own content on OnlyFans.