Compilations are the clip shows of the porn world. When you open your favorite site and see that the latest update is a compilation, you’re not rushing to hit play on that one. It’s there to watch if you want to take a stroll down memory lane, but if you’re cruising for new content, it’s not going to be your first choice.
Of course, there are always exceptions! Pride Studios has released a compilation of Aaron Trainer‘s best work, and you know what I have to say about that? I actually do want to watch this muscle daddy pounding four different bottoms… Maybe compilations aren’t so bad after all.
Scroll down to see Aaron Trainer in action…
Watch the full compilation now at Pride Studios!
Aaron Trainer can be found on Twitter and Instagram.
Atlas Grant can be found on Twitter. He releases his own content on OnlyFans.
Hans Berlin can be found on Twitter.
Alessio Vega can be found on Twitter. He releases his own content on OnlyFans.
Aston Springs can be found on Twitter. He releases his own content on OnlyFans.
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